Volunteer with GMRSVP
To volunteer with GMRSVP, you must be 55 years or older and be available to volunteer for a non-profit organization in Bennington, Windham, or Windsor Counties and/or be available to lead exercise groups in those counties.
To volunteer with GMRSVP, contact one of the volunteer coordinators or fill out a volunteer membership form online.
Volunteer activities include:
![]() Sunshine Postcard MakersVolunteers make cheerful postcards for a variety of occasions throughout the year. We supply the postcards and coordinate getting the postcards to older Vermonters in our service area. This is a creative opportunity and can be done remotely. | ![]() Meal DeliveryVolunteer with Meals on Wheels or other organizations to deliver meals to homebound seniors once a week, with flexible options for more involvement. Commit to 1-3 hour shifts on the same day each week, particularly needed in rural areas. This fulfilling opportunity not only provides essential meals but also combats social isolation among seniors. | ![]() Food Pantry SupportYou can help at your local food pantry and make a meaningful impression on a person in need. You can volunteer once a week, stock shelves, sort food, help serve individuals, or help organize the operation. |
![]() AARP/VITA Tax AssistanceHelp low-income Vermonter's complete their taxes during tax season. Training available in the fall/winter. This isn't as hard as you think, you'll be helping with basic tax returns, using tax software. | ![]() Health & FitnessPeer-led exercise classes include Bone Builders, Tai Chi and Chair Yoga. GMRSVP trains exercise leaders for this volunteer role. | ![]() Other Nonprofit SupportWe partner with many different nonprofit organizations in the community to make a positive impact. If you're interested in administrative, knitting, crocheting, outreach, marketing, or any other assistance, please let us know - chances are we know someone who needs a hand. We partner with libraries, museums, senior meal sites, and Holiday stocking projects to name a few. Additionally, we collaborate with some libraries for "Books on Wheels" - a book delivery program for homebound folks. |
![]() Support a Senior at HomeVisit in person or chat on the phone with an older Vermonter. You can also help someone once a month balances their checkbook and pay their bills. Provide grocery shopping service and rides to medical appointments. | ![]() Red Cross Blood Drive supportAssist the Red Cross at local blood drives. Check people in, transport donations, or help serve food and drinks to people during and after they donate. Blood drives wouldn't be possible without the help of volunteers. Usually a once a month commitment for 3-4 hours. |
Become a Volunteer Site
GMRSVP volunteers serve in many roles for non-profits in Bennington, Windham, and Windsor Counties. If your non-profit organization currently engages the service of volunteers aged 55 and older, they may be eligible to become GMRSVP volunteers.
Are you part of a non-profit organization that would like to engage the service of more volunteers in roles such as meal delivery, food pantry support, administrative support, guest services, or other roles? Please read on to find out how to become a GMRSVP partner.
We partner with over 75 different nonprofit organizations and currently have 280 volunteers placed on regular assignments. If you are interested in working with RSVP, please get in touch!
We place volunteers at stations that provide:
Meal Delivery bringing meals to homebound seniors & people with disabilities.
Companionship programs for seniors include friendly visiting, telephone support, rides to medical appointments, and bill-paying assistance.
Food Pantry Support helping to stock shelves, pack bags and help people shop at food pantries.
Peer-Led Exercise Classes such as Tai Chi, Chair Yoga, and Bone Builders.
If your organization doesn't fall into one of those categories, we can still work together. We place volunteers at other community nonprofit organizations such as libraries and museums, K-12 mentoring, knitting projects, community events, and administrative support/mailings.
To be a Green Mountain RSVP Volunteer Station, your organization must:
1. Be a public, nonprofit, or proprietary healthcare organization.
2. Sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with us that outlines our mutual responsibilities.
3. Share a position description of the Volunteer Assignment with us
4. Agree to accept and support volunteers placed through RSVP while assigned to you.
5. Agree to accommodate volunteers with disabilities.
6. Agree to not discriminate against volunteers based on: race, color, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation, religion, or disability.
7. Assign a Volunteer Supervisor who will confirm RSVP Volunteer hours each month.
8. Assist RSVP with our annual impact surveys and data collection
In return, Green Mountain RSVP will:
1. Recruit, interview, enroll, and orient RSVP Volunteers
2. Refer and connect volunteers to your organization
3. Support RSVP volunteers with recognition and social events
4. Invite you to participate in volunteer recruitment fairs
5. Assist with background checks as needed
6. Furnish secondary accident, personal liability, and additional automobile insurance coverage for volunteers.
7. Provide impact data on services to stations each year
8. Help promote your organization through social media, our newsletters, and word of mouth
Donate to GMRSVP
Donate Money to GMRSVP
Green Mountain RSVP is a nonprofit organization that accepts donations, memorials, gifts-in-kind and planned giving. All donations are tax-deductible and help GMRSVP with the costs of providing volunteer placements, background checks, insurance, recruitment and recognition.
Green Mountain RSVP is Sponsored by Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging, Federal EIN# 03-0273983
Donate Materials to GMRSVP
Green Mountain RSVP welcomes donations of new or gently-used hand weights (barbells) of 1-5 pounds, adjustable velcro ankle weights and yoga blocks for our peer-led exercise classes. We also welcome donations of new yarn in any quantity for our volunteer knitters and donations of stickers and markers for our Sunshine Cards project. Office supplies are also accepted.